Posts Tagged ‘amanda gifford’

Colin Cowherd Gimmick

October 14, 2008

Today Colin got on a 20 minute rant about what a gimmick was.  The whole thing started when Duke called Tim Wakefield a Gimmick pitcher for throwing a knuckleball.  Colin, Amanda and Fish went on and on for over 20 minutes about what exactly a gimmick is.  An indepth piece on this is available at the Church of Cowherd.

Colin’s Baggage Rant

October 7, 2008

Today Colin had a great segment on baggage and junk that he cannot deal with.  Many things stood out, but Colin doesnt mind smoking, but does not want a chain smoker.  Amanda Gifford asked him a series of baggage issues and Colin chimed in.  It was quite a funny segment as most of Colin’s life stories are.